The story of Estelle Yongjun Qiu

The story of Estelle Yongjun Qiu

Hello everyone, I am Estelle. At the beginning , I have to say that my experience with chorus maybe different from others. In 2013, I found the video of Il piccolo coro by accident due to typing wrong key words on the internet . After a while of hesitating, I decided to watch it, one of the most famous songs called <Se la gente ussase il cuore>. At first, I was amazed at how they enjoy on singing songs on the stage instead of playing as other kids. Then I was surprised at each part of the choir is diverse but harmonious. Gradually, I started to find as much information as I can in order to learn more about the choir. Through their official website, the love adds up as the time goes by. I pray every single night so as to listen their concert as fast as i can. After 2 years, I got the official news that they will come to china at the end of the year, celebrating new year with Chinese can I notice what I blessed girl I am. You have no idea I was quite happy last second and wiped my tears away next moment. However, there was no doubt that I cried because of the emotions from the bottom of my heart. I felt just like watching a movie, all the records with these lovely kids were shown in front of me. To be honest, I believe that I was one of the luckiest children. How time flies!Four years have gone. For the piccolo coro, maybe i just the one of ten thousands fans , but for me , the choir is unique. The children bring me not only the happiness but also the move and surprise every time. I want to thank to the little choir which sang the curable nursery rhymes and stayed with me when I went through the toughest and the perplexed time in my teenage journey.


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