Il delfino viola di Steven Schlaks

Il delfino viola di Steven Schlaks

In un pomeriggio di giugno del 1976, nella penombra dello studio televisivo dell’Antoniano, i bambini del Piccolo Coro, dondolano come onde del mare sulle note di “Blue Dolphin” di Steven Schlaks, (orchestra diretta e arrangiamenti realizzati da Vince Tempera).

Però, per il traduttore Enrico, il delfino è viola…e il nome di Stephen viene cambiato in “Steven” …



Il ricordo di Stephen

Hi Francesca, I remember this moment very well. This transmission was the first TV appearance that I made when I was beginning to promote my first album released in Italy. My record company, based in Milano, gave me an address written in Italian on a piece of paper, the address was located in the city of Bolognia….. and they put me on the train leaving from Milano (alone). I did not speak Italian too well (not at all) and when I arrived in Bolgnia it was raining. I did find a taxi with luck and I managed to arrive at the TV studio in time. It was a great moment that I will never forget. Thank you for writing. Let me know if this story was what you are looking for. It’s a true story.
Best regards

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